Looney Tunes Galactic Sports
Hosted by Marvin the Martian, the Galactic Sports takes place on his home planet of Mars. Spread across ever increasingly quixotic torments, these intergalactic athletes will be set to compete in a variety of zany sports. Race to the finish line in Space Races, take aim in Galactic Archery or duke it out in Space Boxing.
Packaged Weight | 0.24 KG |
Release Date | 2015 |
Product Type | Video Game |
Genre | Sports / Individual / Athletics |
Region | All (The PS VITA is region free) |
Our USED Games
- Guaranteed to work
- 30 Day Warranty
- Original case included (edition may vary such as Platinum)
- Excellent & Very Good include manuals
Excellent |
Very Good |
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Please Note - As these are second hand items some handling is visible. The assessment of the case, disc and instruction manuals have all been inspected to the best of our ability, however each item is unique and may differ.
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