Service Repair | Gamecube Clock Battery Replacement

Service Option: Replacement Battery Soldered
Sale price$103.95 AUD
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Gamecube Clock Battery Replacement

Service for the internal clock battery in your Game Cube console.


What clock battery does a Gamecube use?

CR2032 with solder pins
The GameCube has an internal battery that keeps the clock running even when the system is powered off. If this battery is weak or dead, the date and time is likely to have issues and prompt you to change it. 

The battery is located just behind the controller ports and direcrtly soldered in.  Replacing this battery requires desoldering the leads, removing the old battery, and then resoldering the new CR2032 battery in its place. It's not a difficult job, but if it's too much for you to do simply send in your console and we can do it for you.

  1. Replace the battery with a factory fit CR2032 with solder tabs
  2. Install a battery holder so you can swap the battery out anytime you like with a common CR2032 coin (no soldering)

What to post in?

For this job, we recommend sending in the following items as the fault can be with one of them.

  • Console only


How does the process work?

  1. Buy the kit from the maker (Optional)
  2. Buy this repair service (return shipping is calculated at checkout).
  3. Print our address from the "Print Address" button on screen.
  4. Post in your console, the kit, accessories and a test game.
  5. We repair your console.
  6. We post your console back to you with the prepaid shipping costs from checkout.


Who pays for postage?

  • You organise postage and ship your console in.
  • We calculate the return postage at checkout and this is how we get it back to you.

    Payment & Security


    Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.