Game | Nintendo Wii U | Fast And The Furious: Showdown

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Fast And The Furious: Showdown

Nintendo Wii U

BECOME A PART OF THE CREW! Strap in and get ready for an intense ride as you team up to take down a dangerous international gang that can only be stopped by you and the rest of the Fast & Furious crew. Key Game Features Team Action Racing: Get behind the wheel of some of the world's most intense rides and take on high-stakes driving missions cooperatively with a friend or computer A.I. Choose the Experience: Put skills to the test in Challenge Mode, an over-the-top game mode offering addictive objectives and high re-playability Diverse and customizable cars: Build your dream car and modify it with more than 50 awesome upgrades and performance perks Storyline that spans the franchise and travels the globe: Heists, hijacks and mayhem combine across 8 epic global locations, from Rio to LA to Moscow, in an original storyline that spans the entire Fast & Furious film franchise.

Packaged Weight 0.24 KG
Release Date May 21, 2013
Product Type Video Game
Genre Racing » Arcade » Automobile

Our USED Games

  • Guaranteed to work
  • 30 Day Warranty
  • Original case included
  • ExcellentVery Good include manuals




  • Case, Manual and Game
  • Minor imperfections (Light scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Minimal stickers and/or residue
Very Good
  • Case, Manual and Game
  • Some noticeable imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Some stickers and/or residue
  • Case & Game only (No Manual)
  • Apparent imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Apparent stickers and/or residue

Please Note - As these are second hand items some handling is visible. The assessment of the case, game/disc and instruction manuals have all been inspected to the best of our ability, however each item is unique and may differ.

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