Game | Nintendo Wii | Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars

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Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars

Nintendo Wii

Mushroom Men inhabit the world that goes on while we humans are looking the other way, in the twilight hours when we sleep. We tower above them and go about our business completely unaware of the war waged at our feet. After the comet had passed, the scientists concluded that the strange, green dust had no effect on the world. No one noticed that tiny plants and fungi were acting strangely. Mushrooms, cacti, flowers and vines had awakened to full consciousness. Tribes quickly formed, building plant and fungi nations and with nation building... came war! Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars shows gamers the mundane world from the surreal perspective of a three inch high Mushroom Man. As the brave Bolete Mushroom named Pax players can wreak havoc on their enemies by transforming common household trinkets and trash into weapons and tools.

Packaged Weight 0.24 KG
Release Date December 2, 2008
Product Type Video Game
Genre Action » Platformer » 3D
Region PAL (or otherwise stated)

Our USED Games

  • Guaranteed to work
  • 30 Day Warranty
  • Original case included(edition may vary such as Platinum)
  • ExcellentVery Good include manuals




  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Minor imperfections (Light scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Minimal stickers and/or residue
Very Good
  • Case, Manual and Disc
  • Some noticeable imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Some stickers and/or residue
  • Case & Disc only (No Manual)
  • Apparent imperfections (scratches, marks, cracks)
  • Apparent stickers and/or residue

Please Note - As these are second hand items some handling is visible. The assessment of the case, disc and instruction manuals have all been inspected to the best of our ability, however each item is unique and may differ.

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