Accessory | Sega Dreamcast | VMU Visual Memory Unit

Option: Beige White English
Sale price$79.94 AUD
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Visual Memory Unit (VMU)

Model: HKT-7000 (Genuine)


For saving game progress as a removable save game memory card.


The Visual Memory Unit (VMU) is the primary memory card produced by Sega for the Dreamcast home video game console. The device features a monochrome liquid crystal display (LCD), multiplayer gaming capability (via connectors at the top), second screen functionality, a real-time clock, file manager, built-in flash memory, and sound capability.
While its most basic function is as a removable storage device, the VMU may also serve as an auxiliary display during normal gameplay and, through the use of additional software (distributed as extras on Dreamcast GD-ROMs), acts as a handheld game console. Console-like features of the VMU include a screen, speaker, proper directional pad, four action buttons, the ability to connect and interact with other VMUs, and the ability to download additional games. While the standard VMU is white, colors were expanded to include many variations. 
Several titles for the Dreamcast included mini-games that could be downloaded onto a VMU. The Sonic Adventure series, for instance, included the Chao Adventure mini-game. In the game players could transfer Chao eggs to the VMU and play to increase the stats of their hatched Chao, whereupon they could upload their improved Chao back into the Dreamcast game.
Dreamcast titles that include VMU games and extra features
Evolution 2 (12 Hour Clock)
Godzilla Generations (Japanese Version)
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
Namco Museum
Quake III Arena
Resident Evil 2
Sega GT
Skies of Arcadia
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Soulcalibur (Japanese Version)
Tech Romancer
Time Stalkers
Zombie Revenge
Tokyo Bus Guide
  1. Insert 2x 2032 coin batteries
  2. Insert into your Dreamcast controller
  3. It will power up in the controller without batteries, but you will need batteries to use it portably.
  4. The Japanese versions have japanese text like the date and time, otherwise they function normally and save games in any language.
NOTE - Dust caps not included
Example use

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